Stay Unbridled
Stay Unbridled
acrylics on a round canvas, diameter 90 cm
There’s something in you
I can’t quite put my finger on -
I can’t really tear my eyes off you.
Maybe it’s the light.
It’s like light is falling off of you,
the colours of all the springs to come.
You move trough space
like a promise of a goodness yet to come,
like a promise of a summer about to bloom
and it seems to me you don’t actually walk but dance
you don’t actually run but fly;
you swirl by and in your wake
follow dreams, dreams
that engulf me
the first words
of all possible stories
are asleep in you
and I love it, I love it so -
this light in you,
this wild,
untamed, uncontrollable,
brand new, newly hatched,
newly discovered
spring in you;
these dreams
that still know how to dance and fly
you’re an unbounded light,
unrestricted flight,
and alive
I see worlds being born inside of your soul,
you’re still a dreamer
never, never
never give up on that.
Be the natural force you are, please;
your wind encircles me
and the dust of all the weary winters
is blown away from me -
you make me remember.
I remember
why we’re here
and what it means to dream
and dance
and fly.
In your light
I remember.